My Sister's Keeper, by Jodi Picoult

In the book My Sister's Keeper, by Jodi Picoult, a girl named Anna has a sister, Kate, who has been diagnosed with leukemia from a young age. Anna is not sick, but she is in the hospital almost as often as her sister Kate. Anna is a perfect donor for Kate, and her whole life she has always been happy to help. But now she is sick of it, the procedures and everything else that comes along with them. She tells her parents she won't do it anymore. She wants to be in charge of what happens to her own body. Her choice is tearing her family apart.

I really liked this book because it really appealed to your emotions and made you think about what you would do if you were in their situation. I think all readers would like this book; it draws you in from the first sentence! I was addicted! At times it was really sad and almost brought me to tears. Some parts were also really easy to relate too, which helped me connect with the book and understand it better. It makes readers think about what would be the "right thing to do?" It's the type of book that will really make you think, and you won't be able to put down until you're finished!

-Reviewed by Melody N., grade 9
Central Library


Teen Speak said…
My Sister's Keeper is a tear-jerking tale of a girl named Anna and her struggles as a blood donor for her sister. Anna is 13 and feels as though she has a right to control her own life and not be constantly in service to her sister. When she is asked to donate a kidney, Anna decides to take action and contacts a lawyer. What follows is a heartbreaking story woven thickly with moral and family values.

I loved this book. When I finished it, I remember actually crying-not just tearing up. It is an ending you don't expect, but was inevitable to the plot of the story. I would recommend this to all ages of readers.

Reviewed by Anonymous, grade 11
Pacific Park Library

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