Friday, October 9, 2020

Angela's Ashes by Frank McCourt

Penned by Frank McCourt, Angela's Ashes: A Memoir is an autobiographic account of his childhood growing up in Limerick, Ireland in the 1930s and 40s. The book follows McCourt and siblings as they move from Depression-era New York to Ireland and as they attempt to navigate the struggles of poverty and an alcoholic father. Told through boyish innocence and wonder, McCourt and family fight tooth and nail to survive in the unforgiving Limerick slums. McCourt mixes humor and tragedy on the same page, and often in the same paragraph, to present an accurate picture of their struggles and survival.

This is one of my favorite books to date. I found myself being unable to stop turning the pages of this riveting read. It was very interesting to read a first-hand account of the poverty in Ireland in the 1930s. It sparked conversations between me and my father whose parents were born in Ireland and grew up in similar situations as the McCourt family. I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys an interesting historical read. That said, proceed with caution, as this book contains themes that may be upsetting to some readers. 

Reviewed by Jean D, Grade 12

Glendale Central Library

Monday, October 5, 2020

Lies by Michael Grant

The tensions between normals and freaks in the Fallout Alley Youth Zone have come to a head. The fragile community of Perdido Beach has come apart, and order has been lost. Seven months after an impenetrable dome sealed off the city of Perdido Beach and killed everyone over the age of fifteen, the FAYZ, as its residents call it, is plagued with violence and death. Freaks, or kids who gained supernatural powers after the dome descended, are hunted by a hardcore group of "normals." And something even more terrifying occurs - Drake, a psychopath who was supposedly killed, is back. The situation is horrible, and many kids would do anything to get out. Including suicide.

I loved reading Lies. It was extremely suspenseful, and was a great continuation of the previous books. It captured the tension and action of both Gone and Hunger perfectly. The story was fun to read, and the characters were all very well-written. Each seemed like a real person, and I think Grant did a great job at creating the world of the FAYZ. Overall, I enjoyed the high-octane, breathless energy that Lies had, and I would definitely recommend it to others.

Reviewed by NK, Grade 10

Montrose Library