Monday, September 14, 2015

Great Teacher Onizuka, by Tohru Fujisawa

Surely Onizuka has stumbled through his teaching training but that all means nothing if he doesn’t actually become successful at landing a teaching degree. In the book Great Teacher Onizuka, by Tohru Fujisawa,  things get even more messy and sloppy and just all over the place as Onizuka merely begins his journey on this noble goal of his. But along the way his foolishness doesn’t skip a beat and his brazen lust towards girls never seems to improve either. But under the influence of all the pressure Onizuka is tested from all sorts of direction to test this goal of his.

Things couldn’t be any more hilarious until volume two rolled in. The pile of amusing entertaining is overflowed as Onizuka does all sorts of hilarious acts to run towards his dream. But I was glad by seeing the microscopic speck of respect in Oniuka’s act after he gets to know Ms. Fuyutsuki who might just be his colleague in the future. I enjoyed the angle Onizuka was drawn from because in this volume his facial features really reveal how slick and cool of a guy he is. Once again, I am looking forward to the next volume which will tell us if Onizuka succeeds as a teacher or if it all goes down the drain.

Reviewed by Anonymous, Grade 11
Glendale Central Library