Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Lies of Locke Lamor, by Scott Lynch

The Lies of Locke Lamora is a fiction/fantasy novel by Scott Lynch which follows the escapades of a group of bandit thieves called the Gentlemen Ba******. They are dedicated to stealing from the rich nobles of the city of Camorr. The book is separated into two different parts with one chapter following the main character Locke and his gang of fellow thieves and the following chapter giving insight into the history of Camorr and the Gentlemen Ba******. The Gentlemen Ba****** run into a problem when a mysterious and shady man named the Grey King approaches Locke with a task; to impersonate him in a meeting with lord of the criminal underworld.

This book is a perfect twist on Robin Hood and a grade A spy book. I loved reading this novel about lies, secrets, deception and betrayal. But the non-stop twists in the plot will have anyone wondering what will come next. If you like fantasy books, this will be one that you can not pass up! The cleverly woven story is a pleasure to read and I also like that it explains to the reader the history of Camorr so that we have a deeper understanding of the people who live in this city of corruption and greed, as well as thieves and mercenaries.

- Reviewed by Cody W., grade 12.
Montrose Library

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