Matched, by Ally Condie
In Matched by Ally Condie, Cassie lives in the "Society," a society where everything is decided for you, everything from who you love to when you die. When Cassie sees her best friend Xander is her match she is thrilled, but everything quickly goes wrong when she see another face on her match screen, a face that is not Xander's. Cassie begins to question the Society. She begins to question everthing she believes in and realizes that maybe the Society doesn't know what is best for you and that you do have a choice.
An empowering novel, Cassie is a lone voice in a conformist society. I immensely enjoyed the theme of making a choice in this novel because choices are what we must make everyday in our lives. Along witht that, the novel also makes you think about the choices you should make. The novel creates a scene of hope when all things seem dire. This dystopian novel is a must read for all book lovers.
Reviewed by Anonymous, grade 9.
Central Library
I heard that this book was going to be like "The Mortal Instruments" and it was in a way. I really enjoyed the first book and, for sure, will read the second book. This kind of book is the type that takes time for something big to happen. Straightforwardly, some parts of the book is boring but in my opinion, it's worth reading to the end. I like that this book is in the character's perspective so us readers knows what they are thinking when something happens. The genre is romance and science fiction, takes place in the future. I recommend this book to people who like it when there are two boys who like the same girl.
Reviewed by Rachel, Grade 9
Pacific Park Library