Monday, July 3, 2023

Protest: A History of Social Movements in America, by Stuart A. Kallen

The five chapters in this book accentuate voting for women, civil rights, the war in Vietnam, gay rights, and environmental issues. The first chapter talks about women's suffrage and the establishment of the Women's Rights Convention. The second chapter introduces civil rights and equality of all American citizens against the racism of the Jim Crow laws. The third chapter explains the anti-war protests against the U.S. military sending young adults to fight in the war in Vietnam. The fourth chapter represents the support of anti-segregation against members of the LGBTQ+ community. And lastly, the fifth chapter emphasizes the importance of a healthy planet. Earth day is taken place annually to present the significant environmental crisis to the world. 

 Personally, I prefer fiction, mystery, and fantasy novels. However, I would recommend Protest: A History of Social Movements in America, by Stuart A. Kallen, to a friend or an acquaintance. For those who find a hard time understanding history or social movements in America, I think this book would be very helpful. The author connects long standing issues to how they have changed or have been work towards in recent times. After reading this book I came to realize the many political and social difficulties that happened in America's history. If I were a young student who never paid much attention to history, I believe this book would be the perfect fit. There is a good amount of information and it is very reliable too. Reviewed by Olivia, Grade 12 Casa Verduo

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