Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Muchacho, by Louanne Johnson

The story Muchacho, by Louanne Johnsonis about a boy named Eddie who lives in New Mexico and goes to this poor school. He describes himself and the kids at his school as the unfortunate individuals who won't get very far in life. The kids who do advance themselves do it by selling drugs and hustling. Eddie thinks that an education is a waste until one of his teachers leaves. Usually this wouldn't bother him because so many teachers at his school were either fired or quit. The only difference was this teacher showed some compassion and partly inspired Eddie to be better. Eddie likes to read but keeps it a secret because bullies beat him up people book smart. Eddie meets this girl named Lupe who appreciates him for his knowlodege and trys to persuades him to want to go to college. Eddie promises his mother that he will graduate high school which makes her proud. Eddie trys to become succesful but he is constantly making the choice whether to fit in or do good in life. Some of his choices affect his journey

I found the story Muchacho a well written story about a boy on a journey to reach his full potential in life. I liked the message which was to not let your unfortunate circumstance affect your dreams. I thought that Eddie was an hard character to like because he always made bad choices whenever he was doing so well. Eddie was starting to empress his parents with his grades but then he blew it by helping his friend sell drugs. I personally liked Eddie's uncle who he has to live with temporary. His uncle was so calm and enjoyed living a simple life. I had fun with this book and partly inspired me to become more serious about my education.

Reviewed by Anonymous, Grade 10
Montrose Library

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