Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Lying Game, By Sara Shepard

The Lying Game by Sara Shepard is a story of two long separated twin sisters, Emma and Sutton, separated at birth, were both adopted but given two very different lives. Sutton was given an amazing, rich life with a loving family and popularity. Emma was abandoned by her mother and shipped from foster home to foster home. When Emma discovers Sutton from a video and Facebook, she messages her and they plan to meet the following day. Emma rushes to Arizone and can't find Sutton, that's when this all begins. Will people truly believe that it's Sutton and not Emma? Where is Sutton?!

To be honest, I wasn't especially thrilled with this book, but it was okay. Sara Shepard writes some pretty good books of this theme. I think it was enjoyable and am planning to read the next book in the series. I recommend this novel to teenage girls who enjoyed Pretty Little Liars, or a series of mystery.

-Reviewed by Kristine K., grade 9.

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