Friday, August 26, 2022

The Assassin's Blade, by Sarah J Maas

 The Assassin’s Blade is a collection of five short novellas that occur before the beginning of Throne of Glass, and leading up to Celaena Sardothien’s capture and sentencing to lifetime in Endovier. The book can be read prior to the series, in between books or at the end. It introduces Sam Cortland, Celaena’s first love who is often mentioned in the subsequent Throne of Glass books. The other characters and stories in this collection are also often referred to in the following novels. Celaena faces down pirates, helps barmaids, trains in the Red Desert and goes on dangerous missions, all while falling in love and eventually being sent to Endovier

The Assassin’s Blade is one of my favorite books, by Sarah J Maas in the series because of the variety in stories, and the connection between Celaena and the other characters prior to the events of the main series. Even though readers know Celaena and Sam’s fate at the end of the book, it is nonetheless indescribably exciting to read about all the events and missions leading up to it, as well as the betrayal and loss themselves. The book has a heartbreaking ending that makes the reader fall in love with Sam even more, and develop an unbelievable sense of sympathy for Celaena. I recommend this novel to anyone who has read or is planning on reading the Throne of glass series because it truly adds to the experience of reading it.

Reviewed by Kristina K., Grade 11

Glendale Central Library 

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