Friday, April 9, 2021

The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab

Addie was told to never pray to the gods that answer after dark...Beginning in France in the 1700s, Addaline is forced to marry a man whom she does not know. Aware that after the marriage she will not be free and unable to leave her tiny village, she attempts to make a bargain to fight the oppression. Only... she makes it with the gods who answer after dark, the very ones she was warned about. The god twists Addie's words and gives her an infinite life, however, everyone she encounters will forget who she is and her name. For three hundred years, this curse has worked, putting Addie through despair, until... Until one day in New York, 2014, a boy remembers her and her name, leaving Addie in shock. The adventure that follows is Addie attempting to understand how the boy has the ability to remember her and what went wrong with the curse.

This book is one of the very rare life-changing books you will read. Such wonderfully written, the author used the most amazing vocabulary and figurative language. The entire book was filled with so many unbelievable plot twists that made me tear up several times. I appreciated how philosophical the story was and the lessons that Addie and Henrey learn throughout her ever so fascinating journey. Overall, this book is a MUST read and just so lovely and impactful!

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Reviewed by L.T., Grade 8

Glendale Central Library

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