StarTalk by Charles Liu and Neil degrasse Tyson
StarTalk by Charles Liu and Neil deGrasse Tyson is a very
informative and interesting book about the universe, galaxies, planets, living
things, and questions we all want to find out more about. It uses basic
chemistry, physics, math, and logic to counter and explain ideas and problems.
It has chapters that cover topics like other dimensions, gravity, living
things, possible reasons of how we came to be or why, movie theories, and if
they would be possible with science.
I found this book to be well-written, fun, and interesting
to read. I liked how it involved physics to explain most concepts and ideas. It
had small funny captions to keep you interested. I would get bored at some
points because I wasn't interested. If you want to understand the science
concepts, make sure you pay attention in physics and biology class to
understand. I recommend it to anyone who loves extraterrestrial studies and
wants to learn many more new facts.
Reviewed by anonymous, Grade 10
Pacific Park Library