Friday, February 12, 2021

The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels

This book is about communism and socialism. It talks about class struggles that the proletariat (exploited) experiences from the bourgeoise (exploiters). As you read the book Marx uses these terms interchangeably. He discusses about the exploitations of the proletariat in a bourgeois society. He mentions how the serf and handicraftsman will eventually also become the proletariat. How this working class's lively hood will be crushed as they all become wage laborers. It discusses the steps in what we must do to move to a communist society. It also talks about how one country cannot overturn capitalism and that we need more countries to succeed. He never mentioned how to achieve these goals (unlike Lenin who pushed for revolution).

I think it's a wonderful book for those who are leftists. The issue is it is difficult to understand. I had to read the book twice to fully grasp the concept. Marx also loved to make new words up which is why I don't recommend the actual 37 page manifesto. I think it's still very relevant to this day. As the wage gap increases and the rich get richer while the poor get poorer. There is no such thing as ethical capitalism as the capitalists all exploit their workers and the planet to get rich. I think baby leftists who already understand some theory would like this book. It isn't a good book for liberals who want to radicalize as it's confusing. I instead recommend reading Angela Davis and Michael Parenti books before you read the Manifesto. They are easier to understand and gives material context to what theory actually is.

Reviewed by anonymous, Grade 11

Glendale Central Library 

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