Monday, April 27, 2020

There's Something About Sweetie by Sandhya Menon

Sweetie Nair is fat. Her conservative Indian mom hates it, worrying for Sweetie's health, but Sweetie, who is the fastast track runner on her school team and kicks butt during running knows that she is perfect just the way she is. Still, negative messages from guys, her mom, and society continue to affect Sweetie so she starts the Sassy Sweetie Project. She is going to secretly date Ashish Patel, a boy who her parents were going to set her up with, but then refused because she is fat, a hot jock recently mourning a lost relationship to prove to herself how amazing she is and that she is worthy of love, regardless of whether she is fat or not.
Ashish Patel is sad. He just broke up with his college girlfriend because she was cheating on him. And he still can't get over her after three months. Then he meets Sweetie and falls hopelessly in love with her gregarious personality and beautiful confidence. He knows he is meant to be with Sweetie and he definitely knows that there is nothing he wouldn't do not to hurt her, but Celia keeps texting him and the breakup hurt so much. Even his friends seem to be falling apart.

Together the two will have a romance so beautiful, it will triumph over any hurdles, from parents to ex-lovers to broken-hearted friends, Sweetie and Ashish were meant to be.

This book was exactly the type of feel good rom com that I needed!. Sweetie is a feisty, confident, kind protagonist that will get everyone to fall in love with her! Ashish was just as good. He was in awe of sweetie and genuinely liked her for who she was and her gregarious personality. He even liked her so much that he go awkward around her, which I really think we need to see more of in guys. It's adorable. Their relationship (Ashish's and Sweeties) did not feel forced- they complimented each other, adored each other, and grew positively from the relationship. I think that anyone who has ever struggled with body confidence issues should read this book. Sweetie's refusal to be ashamed of her fatness is so liberating for anyone- I, as a thin girl, even felt an enormous sense of empowerment after reading this book. Between the food, the adorable, messy, supportive, protective friends, and the stunning romance that unfolds, any reader who picks up this book will be lucky to have it on their shelf.

Reviewed by Claire Skye, Grade 9
Montrose Library

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