Monday, August 29, 2016

For One More Day, by Mitch Albom

For One More Day, by Mitch Albom, that forces you to realize that the concept of family is never simply black and white and you only know what you had until you lose it. Charley “Chick” Benetto’s life has gone down the drain: he has lost all his money, developed a drinking problem, and has been shut out of his only daughter’s life by not being invited to her wedding. One night he decides to drive out to his hometown and take his life, but instead is given the privilege to visit his dead mother who had raised him and his sister as a single mother in the 1960s. He is given the chance to spend one more day with his beloved mother and learn her sacrifices and realize the strength of parental love.

Albom creates a unique voice for the protagonist: he’s bitterly funny and heartbreakingly broken. He deftly alternates between his past childhood memories and his present situation with his mother. Each memory tugs at the heartstrings for the young boy who grew up way too fast. It also keeps readers intrigued with the secrets that unravel one after the other, continuously shocking and gasp-worthy. The way that Charley is presented and described is also painfully heartbreaking and can be related to in so many ways. The author does a very good job with tone and playing with readers’ emotions. I found myself crying from start to finish, and just when I thought I ran out of tears, fresh ones would pop up. This is not a read for the emotionally weak person because it will make your heart ache and eyes flood with every turn of the page.

Reviewed by Lilit, Grade 12
Glendale Central Library

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