War of Worlds, by Herbert George "H. G." Wells

Aliens from Mars have come to invade Earth, and they are succeeding. the humans have tried to fight, but they are being killed off quickly, and there is very little hope for survival. Eventually, all attempts to fight back by the humans have stopped, and the narrator as well as other people are scavenging for food and fighting for survival. Martian plants are growing all over the Earth, and multiple war machines have landed. Is there any hope left for Earth?

War of Worlds, by Herbert George "H. G." Wells, is very, very good. When I first read it, I thought that it just had to be one of the classics, and sure enough, it is a major book in the science fiction community. This is a must read for anyone who considers themselves to be a fan of science fiction. This book was very thought provoking and the ending was unexpected and obvious at the same time. I would recommend this book to my friends for sure.

Reviewed by Anonymous, Grade 8
Grandview Library


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