Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Physics of the Impossible, by Michio Kaku

A truly revolutionary way of explaining the world of the impossible and letting us in on when our space fantasy of the future will arrive, Michio Kaku did the absolute best job of explaining the things that we only dream of. Physics of the Impossible classifies the impossibilities in three categories: class 1, which is in the near future, class 2, which are the impossibilities that will most likely show up in a century, and class 3 impossibilities, ones that might never be possible with the standard laws of physics. Taking us through time travel, parallel universes, speed of light travel, and force fields, it excites the reader of what the potential of physics really are.

As a physics enthusiast, I was one to love this book. It had exactly what I was looking for, an easy yet advanced foresight into the laws of physics and what can be done and what can't be done. Yet one very important thing I learned from this book was that, anything truly is possible, all that has to happen is a change in the laws of physics. It is really exciting to think that one day humanity will evolve into one that can be what only Hollywood movies are today. The potential of Physics is limitless when there are great minds to resolve these problems that we run into today.

Reviewed by: Arvin O., grade 9
Glendale Central Library

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