Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Identical, by Ellen Hopkins

Kaeleigh and Raeanne are two sixteen year old girls who are also identical twins. Their mom is a politician and their dad is a district court judge. Kaeleigh is the apple of her fathers eye, shes been the center of her fathers affection since she was nine years old, when he started sexually abusing her. Kaeleigh cuts herself and binges on alcohol to mask the pain of her all too abnormal life, that she makes to seem perfect on the outside. Raeanne is the rebelious twin, she uses drugs and sex to compensate for not being daddy's favorite. The books follows the lives of the twins as they try to figure out how to be 'normal'.

Identical is one of my favorites by Ellen Hopkins. I loved how almost every scene is told from both sides of the twins. It gives the book an almost two sided feel, as if your reading two different books being told two different ways, but with the same over all plot and story line. The book will throw you through an emotion rollercoaster as you become connected to the twins. This book, in my opinion is for not only teens but adults. The book is obviously pointed towards teens, but the way its written will connect to anyone. The ending especially makes this book worthy of rereading over and over again.

Reviewed by Jaz, grade 12
Montrose Library

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