Tuesday, June 5, 2012

What Happened to Goodbye, by Dessen Sarah

Sarah Dessen's "What Happened to Goodbye" is a story about a teenage girl named McLean who has spent the last two years moving around different towns with her father after her parnets' divorce. At each town, sher creates a different name as well as a different persona because she knows she won't be staying long. Her father's business ventures keep him taveling and as her mother has started a new family and basically forgotten all about her, all she could do is go along with him, create a new person, and present it to her temporary peers. However, she's sick of pretending to be everything she's not at this last town they come to and when she meets Dave- the boy next door who offers to show her around the town while managing parental problems of his own- she decides it's finally time to be herself. Even if she doesn't quite know who that is anymore.

 This book is an amazing coming of age novel and I highly recommend it to all teens as they'll find it's easy to relate to McLean and her struggle to find herself.

- Rita , grade 12

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