Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Pale Horseman, by Bernard Cornwell

The Pale Horseman by Bernard Cornwell , starts where the last one ended as Uhtred kills Ubba Lothbrokson and earns fame and glory but being married for the first time he goes to his family instead of his king and subsequently Ealdorman Odda takes credit for the victory.  With nothing to do Uhtred takes a ship into enemy waters contradiciting his orders and plunders Danish ships. Meanwhile the Danes attack Wessex once again, this time capturing Wessex and driving King Alfred and Uhtred into marshes. Read to find how a king in a marsh becomes the most renounced king in all of history.

 Bernard Cornwell is an amazing author and one whose books I would rcommend to anyone who likes historical fiction. Cornwell amazingly weaves known facts with made up myths that make the story credible yet highly entertaining. I would give a rating of 9/10 for this amazing book.

- Reviewed by P. G. , grade 9

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