Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Boy Who Couldn't Die, by William Sleator

The Boy Who Couldn't Die by William Sleator is your classic zombie tale. After sixteen-year-old Ken experiences the death of his best friend, he swears he will never go through that. He sees a woman who tells him she can protect him from everything; from pain and from death. After being scratched and prodded, Ken wants to test out his new abilities. He plans a vacation for his family where there have been reported shark attacks and knows this is the ultimate test. While on vacation, he meets a local resident to the island, Sabine, who he grows to love. As time goes on, he begins to have these dreams of digging up bodies and even killing them. Sabine realizes that the woman who did this to him made him into a zombie. She has his soul and can therefore control it. Together, Ken and Sabine work to hunt her down and free all of the souls, but it isn't as easy as they would have expected.

This is a great book for people who love horror and action. It is very cliche, but good, nonetheless. William Sleator does a wonderful job painting pictures and creating vivid images in your head.

-Reviewed by Ceina, grade 9.

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