Tuesday, May 10, 2022

My Hero Academia, Vol. 26: The High Deep Blue Sky, by Kohei Horikoshi

Midoriya, Bakugo, and Todoroki are still at Endevor's agency, trying their best to surpass him in beating a villain. For the past couple of days they have been working diligently, but are still unsuccessful. The three get invited to eat dinner at the Todoroki house and are excited to get to know Todoroki's family, or at least, Midoriya is. The dinner goes fine, awkward, but no big interruptions happen. Sadly, this peace doesn't last for long as a new threat quickly approaches.

After winter break ended and the new term had begun, more information was getting revealed about Nomus and precisely how they are made. We find out that someone close to Mr. Aizawa was one of the keys to finding the truth about them. Though it will be difficult, Aizawa is determined to find out the truth in the manga My Hero Academia, Vol. 26: The High Deep Blue Sky, by Kohei Horikoshi

Reviewed by Arpi, Grade 9I really liked this volume. It made me cry, again, though I am not proud of shedding tears over fictional characters, it always happens nonetheless. Despite my dramatic sobbing, the rest of this volume was really cute and I enjoyed reading the wholesome interactions between characters. One of the scenes near the end of the book was by far one of the most precious interactions between class 1-A and 1-B, and I happily read every word of it. The sadder scenes were really emotional, and like I said, made me cry. Now, perhaps I am just very sensitive, but I personally thought these scenes had lots of heart and passion in them which just made it all the more touching. I recommend reading this if you do like reading more serious topics that have light and fluffy jokes and interactions during the rest of the book. If you are not a fan of more serious or sadder topics I'd still say give it a try because the volume still has funny moments.

Reviewed by Apri, Grade 9
Glendale Central Library

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