Friday, April 30, 2021

The Dragonet Prophecy by Tui T. Sutherland

Clay and his friends live under a mountain. They were all chosen by a prophecy to end the War of Sandwing Succession. They're supposed to choose which of three princesses will inherit the Sandwing throne, but reality hasn't been going as the prophecy planned. The dragonets' guardians are harsh and won't let them go out into the dangerous world. Instead of a fierce Skywing, they have a Rainwing, supposedly the most lazy of the dragon tribes. Their Nightwing doesn't have powers, their Sandwing looks odd, and all five dragonets keep trying to escape.

This has been my favorite book series since I was in third grade. In case you couldn't tell from my summary, it's about dragons. There are currently fourteen books in the series, plus four graphic novels and two prequels. Despite them being dragons, the characters feel so real and alive. It has some comedy and plenty of action. It's kind of violent. This book is aimed most at middle school reading levels, but it's a great story even for older people. I love Wings of Fire and would definitely recommend it to anyone who likes dragons.

Reviewed by Izzy Jackson, Grade 8

Glendale Central Library

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