Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Bleach: Volume 2, by Tite Kubo

In Bleach: Volume 2, by Tite Kubo, Ichigo, a normal human gains powers of a soul reaper. His job is to fight hollows and when one of his friends, Chad, gets into danger with a hollow, Ichigo goes to help him. Rukia, a fellow soul reaper, and Chad try to fend off the hollow on their own, but cannot handle him. Then, Ichigo comes to the rescue and cuts the hollow down to size. The hollow sadly enters another dimension because of the cruel acts he committed as a human. After the battle, Rukia goes to the Urahara shop to pick up her order; one of these items was a soul pill. Ichigo eats it and his human body is given its own personality. Unfortunately the soul pill is defective and ruins Ichigo's image. Ichigo tries to track him down and finally is able to regain his body, but keeps the soul pill because the soul pill is just waiting to be destroyed. Ichigo continues on his quest to destroy hollows with Rukia. This manga is very good because not only does it contain action, but it also adds in a touch of comedy. The author's idea is entirely original and I like the way soul reapers are described. The characters contribute to the story and some make the manga very comedic. It is not all exciting action, but it also appeals to the emotional view of the book. The creation of the hollows is very unique, but cruel. The system of soul reapers and hollows contribute to the plot because it is based on their everlasting battle. Anybody that is an action fan will love the unique and diverse plot. -Reviewed by Ming Liu, grade 9.

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