Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Hidden Talents, by David Lubar

In Hidden Talents by David Lubar, Martin Anderson and his friends don't like being called losers. But they've been called that for so long even they start to believe it. Until Martin makes an incredible discovery: each of his friends has a special hidden talent. Edgeview Alternative School was supposed to be the end of the road. But for Martin and his friends, it might just be a new beginning. I felt this book told me that whenever we start something new or start fresh we should always consider the past because that's what always counts. But here they were bullied, moved schools, and then started fresh. My point of view is everyone is different. - Reviewed by Natalia, grade 9. .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i rlly like this book and true talents i just hope he makes a movie and another book....and maybe add a new charecter....a girl...but i rlly thought it was kool.