My Name is Adam, by William Saroyan

'My Name is Aram' by William Saroyan, is made out of many short stories, as Aram Garoghlanian, a now adult, looks back to when he was nine years old. The stories cover Aram and the rest of his Armenian clan living in California. The story frequently jumps from story to story, including ones about travel, education, sorrow, and one about a very wealthy man who looked poor.

I read this book as part of my school's Adv English Class, and this was one of the required books that I really enjoyed. I loved the short story format, and I preferred it to the other books that I read in my class. Personally, my favorite was 'The Fifty Yard Dash' This book had plenty of topics to think about, such as getting tricked and cheated out of your money, poverty, and longing for your hometown. I am quite sure this book is already required for teens, but it is also readable for kids.

Reviewed by Brian Y., Grade 10
Montrose Library


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