Friday, August 14, 2020

Moral Compass by Danielle Steel

Danielle Steel's Moral Compass is a book set in Saint Ambrose Prep, an elite private school that houses some of the best teachers and administrators in the country, sending their students off to nonpareil schools. Though everything seems perfect on the outside, Saint Ambrose has some skeletons in the closet. On the school's Halloween event, something happens that changes the course of the school as we know it. Things are crumbling fast and time is ticking. Read to find out what happens!

Danielle Steel does it again with Moral Compass, arguably her best novel yet! I absolutely loved taking a peak into the lives of the seemingly privileged, the people who have everything handed to them on a silver platter. It was a super eye-opening novel and it definitely grounded me to not be quick to judge. It is a devastating novel; it literally broke my heart but in the best possible way. I honestly recommend this to everyone! Such an incredible, gripping novel.

Reviewed by M.S., Grade 11

Montrose Library

Monday, August 10, 2020

Suite Scarlett by Maureen Johnson

Scarlett's family has owned the Hopewell Hotel in New York for generations. It's a family tradition to give each child of the Martin family a suite to take care of when they turn fifteen, and Scarlett is given the task of maintaining the Orchid Suite, the most expensive (and well-known) suite of the Hopewell. Things are looking down for both Scarlett and the hotel - Scarlett has nothing to do for the entire summer, and the hotel is running low on money. When a wealthy, mysterious socialite named Mrs. Amberson comes to visit and requests the Orchid, Scarlett is caught up in her schemes - for better or for worse.

I actually really enjoyed reading this novel. The author did a very good job at creating the atmosphere of both the Hopewell Hotel and the city of New York. The main character was likable and interesting, and the other supporting characters were all very well-written. I liked the story itself as well, and overall, it was a nice respite from all of the more serious books that I read. It was reminiscent of other books I've read by Maureen Johnson, which is good because I enjoy her writing. 

I would definitely recommend this novel to other readers.

Reviewed by NK, Grade 10

Montrose Library