Ignite Me, by Tahereh Mafi

Ignite Me is the third book in the Shatter Me series, by Tahereh Mafi, following Unravel Me. Juliette learns that everyone she cares about might be dead after Anderson shot her, putting her in Warner's hands. She chooses to work with Warner, the one person she has never trusted. Juliette discovers more about Warner and possibly Adam as they work to bring down the Reestablishment. The dystopian trilogy carries on Juliette Ferrars' adventures as she makes difficult choices on her journey to self-discovery and forbidden love.

Arguably, the best book in the whole Shatter Me series. Ignite Me was a rollercoaster of emotions for me. From Adam's outbursts to Kenji's and Juliette's friendship, and, of course, Warner's and Juliette's relationship. This book has to be my most annotated book because it was hard to find a scene that wasn't memorable. In this book, we got to see Juliette and Kenji become closer as friends and I couldn't be happier. Adam was giving me a tough time, however; that man has real anger issues. The connection between Juliette and Warner in this novel was so tragic and passionate that I couldn't stop myself from crying and giggling the entire time. If this was a trilogy, I wouldn't be satisfied with the ending. It was almost left as an open ending. However, since there were additional books in the series, I'm not complaining. I loved this book, 5/5, and 100% recommend for everyone to read this book, after Shatter Me and Unravel Me, of course :)
Reviewed by Agapi, Grade 9
Glendale Central Library


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