The Screwtape Letters, by C.S. Lewis

The Screwtape Letters by C.S Lewis is a series of letters exchanged between two demons. One of the demons is receiving instruction from his superior on how to best corrupt an innocent man. They describe their work as necessary and refer to God and Heaven as the forces they are fighting against. Overall, their goal is to corrupt the human race by leading them away from moral behavior so they can become prisoners of Hell when they pass away. 

I thought The Screwtape Letters was very intriguing! Having a demon as the narrator provided a unique outlook on the corruption of humankind. The methods used by the demons to harm people made me think about the immoral actions of humans and how much control they have over them. I highly recommend this book to people who are interested in reading C.S. Lewis but don’t know where to start. I also recommend it for people who are looking for a book that provides a unique insight into religion.

Reviewed by Anonymous, Grade 11
Glendale Central Library


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