Anna Karenina, by Leo Tolstoy

 Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy explores the lives of Anna and Levin through 19th century Russia. This novel explores various social classes and the different paths to fulfillment these two people take. Anna renounces her marriage for a passionate affair while Levin searches for love as an agnostic who discovers his faith. These characters who develop their different meanings of love end up meeting one another. Unfortunately, readers may ask which form of love will lead to someone's demise?

I absolutely loved Anna Karenina! It was my first time reading Tolstoy’s work and I found it to be extremely interesting. The characters are so full of emotion and intricacies that they almost seemed like real people to me. The only downside to this book is that in conversation characters make many references to Russian history that I am unaware of. Which makes reading certain passages a little challenging, but overall it is worth it. I highly recommend this book to people who are interested in 

Reviewed by Anonymous. Grade 11
Glendale Central Library


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