Born a Crime: Stories From a South African Childhood, by Trevor Noah

A non-fiction life following Trevor Noah throughout his life. It starts with his vivid descriptions of childhood, with a focus on Aparthied's effects on his younger years. We get to take a glimpse at his family life and dynamics and what growing up in South Africa during the latter 20th century encompassed. He shares short stories that all build up to display why he now is the way he is, all coming together to display his personality and characteristics. 

While some autobiographies and non-fiction novels can fall short, this was far from that. Noah's funny and entertaining stories with a mix of the easy to read and fast-paced writing made for a very enjoyable book. This story touched on many important issues that were occurring in South Africa at the time of Noah's childhood, educating the people who chose to read this book. This novel will one day be a classic autobiography because of the themes touched upon, hence why I recommend Born a Crime: Stories From a South African Childhood, by Trevor Noah, greatly. 

Reviewed by R.B., Grade 11
Montrose Library 


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