Through My Window, by Ariana Godoy

Through My Window (A Traves de mi Ventana), by Ariana Godoy, is a spanish romance novel about a teenage girl who stalks her rich neighbor. Her neighbor, Ares, is the middle child of three kids. He is the second heir to his father's big company, Alpha 3. The girl, Raquel, goes to a different school as Ares, but has been obsessed with him for quite some time. One day, Ares steals her wifi password and Raquel finds out. As she confronts him, they get to know each other and start a connection that no one could ever expect between them. 

This book is one of the top romance recommendations I would give out. The characters in the book have a great sense of chemistry between them. The plot shifts to different scenarios between the characters, which makes their tension even higher. People who love a bad boy falling for a sweet girl would love this book. It made me feel a range of different emotions in a short amount of time. The difference in the characters past and current life makes their situation painful, yet fun to read. 

Reviewed by Celine H., Grade 1
Montrose Library


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