IT, by Stephen King

IT, by Stephen King
 tells as very breathtaking story about the group of teenagers who live in the town captured by the monster. Teenagers unite to go through all the difficulties, which are not only monsters, but also people who live in the town and unbelieve into any word teenagers say through those difficulties teenagers are going to change their thinking about everything they see in this town.

I don't think that "IT" is the best book to read as a person who was reading it for more than six months I can say that this book is very hard to read and also this book is too long for most of the readers and also many of those people who will read this book won't like that "IT" has too much scary moments and too many unpleasant moments. But if you are this kind of person who likes horror and also this kind of person who really, really likes reading and of course has many free time I am recommending this book for you, because it is very interesting to read. 

Reviewed by George, Grade 9

Glendale Central Library 


Anonymous said…
It by Stephen King is a book full of horrors. Terrifying events have occurred in the small town of Derry in which all the adults are blind too. The children of this seemingly quant town are not blessed with the same ignorance. Every child's worst fear comes to life in this town, but how long will they tolerate it? An eclectic group of kids form a team and are out to destroy whatever is disrupting Derry's peace.

The book It is one of the most thrilling novels I have ever read. I highly recommend it to people who are interested in horror or Stephen King. However, there are many disturbing scenes, so for those people who are easily frightened by blood and gore should skip this book. Even though the length of this novel may be intimidating it is extremely fast paced. Overall, It is very fast paced, enthralling, and eerie. Anyone interested in the world of horror should definitely check this book out!

Reviewed by Anonymous, Grade 11
Glendale Central Library

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