The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson

Vin thought she was the Hero of Ages, prophesized to be the savior of the world. She has ended the Lord Ruler's terrible reign and freed the skaa. When faced with the power of the Well of Preservation, she selflessly gave it up in order to stop the Deepness, an unnatural, magical mist that was killing the empire, and successfully fulfilling the prophecy. A prophecy that turned out to be false. It has been altered by a powerful force of destruction known as Ruin, and Vin's act of giving up the power of Preservation has freed him. Faced with a new adversary, Kelsier's crew must play their cards right in order to defeat a primal god - a feat that might not be possible.

I really enjoyed this book and thought it was a great conclusion to the Mistborn trilogy. The story was thrilling, and the lore and the way it tied into Sanderson's Cosmere is awesome. As always, the action was amazing, and the magic system was very interesting. The characters were well written, and their worries and hopes were conveyed to the reader easily. Sanderson is a master of creating tension - there were many points in the book that seemed impossible for the protagonists to win, but they pulled through in a way that made sense. I really loved this book and this series, and I would definitely recommend it to others. After this, I'm probably going to read more Sanderson books.

Reviewed by NK, Grade 10

Montrose Library


Alen Garabidian said…
The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson nicely concludes the Mistborn trilogy. Vin and Elend face some tough challenges with magic and surprising twists. If you're into fantasy and want a solid ending to the series, then read this book.

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