Rewind, by Jan Page
I couldn't really understand what the novel was talking
about. I think maybe the author put a lot of unnecessary details in the book
which would make the reader feel bored and not interested into reading the
story anymore. I also didn't understand the ending either. I wasn't even sure
if it's supposed to be a happy ending or a sad one. And I think that the cover
of the book looks a bit boring. I mean I don't think yellow and black mix as a
book cover if you want to make it more appealing to readers and other
bookworms. Maybe young adults would like reading this. Especially boys since it
is a rock star story. And maybe an 18 year old should read this because I think
that there is some inappropriate scenes that you may visualize in your mind. I
mean I wouldn't want to read this again but maybe I would in the future because
I feel like I'm still too young to understand these kind of things. And I have
to be honest here,if I had to rate this out of a five star rating,then I'll
have to say a two out of five. So if you're a young adult rock star and you're
a bookworm half of the time,then I recommend you to read this.
Reviewed by Hannah Rachel, Grade 9
Downtown Central Library