The Summer I Wasn't Me, by Jessica Verdi
Coming from a queer teenager who is going through Lexi's
struggles, this book honestly made my eyes bawl out. Over the news, you hear
all these horror stories of gay conversion camps (which are often scams). The
description of Lexi's thoughts and feelings at the camp made me shiver and made
her story feel very real. Reading about each day in that camp made me feel
hopeless about not only Lexi's situation but also the lives of teenagers around
the world who don't feel safe by being who they are. The ending was also quite
chilling and not what I expected. I would recommend this book to those who do
identify as part of the LGBT community but also parents of those kids. This is
because no matter what a teenager is going through, their parents should be
informed about those feelings many teenagers have.
Reviewed by AH, Grade 10
Downtown Central Library