Incantation, by Alice Hoffman, is about a girl named Estrella who lived during the Spanish Inquisiton. She had
been hidden from her true identity because her family believed she was not ready
for the truth! Estrella was a Jew. Her whole family was Jewish! Not long after
she had found out, the massacre started. Luckily, her grandfather was part of
the high court of that particular city and was pardoned for some time. However,
the government found out and both him and his family were condemned to death!
Estrella escaped the death sentence with her grandmother, but saw everyone in
her family die.
book, left me angry, frustrated, and heartbroken throughout the story. It let me
notice reality and how our world's past was so brutal! I just felt horrible when
Estrella's family died because they were Jewish! This book filled me with so
many different emotions which made it even more interesting! I recommend
everyone to read Incantation! The book will leave you crying for both sadness
and joy! It's a great read for the summer!
Reviewed by Jilly
C., grade 9
Montrose Library