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The Necromancer, by Michael Scott
Necromancer, by Michael Scott, is the fourth book in the series The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas
Flamel. Our story continues with the twins returning to their aunt's house.
They knew they would be fluttered with questions, so the prepared in advance.
The second they entered they see Scathach, vampire that was killed in the third
book. Unfortunately, it was her twin sister Aoife who, wrongful kidnapped Josh.
Sophie immediately contacted Nicholas and Perenelle Flamel to find Josh. After
numerous hours, they locate Josh, Aoife, and Niten, Aoife's guardian, and
decide to join along in the search for Dee, the evil thief of the Book of
Abraham the Mage, a powerful codex containing the power of immortality and
unspeakable power. What will become of the newly formed gang? Will they
retrieve the codex or fail in their mission? Who will teach the twins the final
magic of Earth? All secrets will be revealed in this book and the next.
book was the best by far. Honestly, my expectations of this book were high as
is but were raised immensely with the books amazing descriptions and tone. By
now, I believe this book would be great for the series lovers. Due to this book
being the fourth in the series, it would be helpful to know the other three
novels the fully understand the novel. However, if one is familiar, this book
would blow one's mind. This book, in particular, really made me think of the
human existence. The story involves many jumps through time and relativity and
it made me think of how my past may have lead to many potential events. Strange
how humans think about events until it is too late. Overall this book blew my
mind and this book is made for everyone; action lovers or suspense lovers, the
book contains all! This really sets a high bar for the next book.
Reviewed by David, grade 9.
Central Library