That Was Then, This Is Now, by
S.E. Hinton, is a very sad yet interesting story. It is about two 16 year olds, Mark and Bryon who have been like brothers since childhood. They had been growing up in a rough neighborhood and had gotten into many tragic situations. Now they have grown apart and treat life differently. This story is very touching and emotional. I'll recommend this book to anyone who enjoys books based on true stories. I honestly loved this book and have read it more than once.
-Reviewed by T.N., grade 9.
Reviewed by Anonymous, Grade 9
-Reviewed by Nayri T, grade 9.
Reviwed by Janette, grade 9.
Central Library
This book is insanely amazing! While I was reading this I needed to take deep breaths and tell myself it's just a book because it is so heart touching! This book has so many mysteries, that's why its so hard to write a summary. Have you ever waited for something and you're on the edge of you seat and you have butterfly's in your stomach? Well this book makes your eyes open so much that it is hard to put down! I recommend this book to anyone! It's such a wonderful book and everyone should read it! Take my advise because you won't want to miss out on such a wonderful book.
Reviewed by Julia S., Grade 9
Montrose Library
I found this book really easy to relate to. The relationship between Mark and Bryon was quite similar to one you would see between siblings. I found it interesting to observe how that relationship shifted and changed. This book had just enough action to keep the reader on their toes but also had some very deep moments. This book was quite historically accurate and displayed life in the 60's very well. I really enjoyed watching Mark and Bryon stick up for each other. I loved how even they weren't related, they still acted just like brothers would.
Reviewed by Angelina R., Grade 9
Montrose Library