The Freedom Writers Diary by
Freedom Writers, is a written journal by each and every one of Erin Gruwell's students. Erin Gruwell is a new teacher at Wilson High School in Long Beach, Ca. She was a very perky and happy teacher who didn't know that she was up to teach a bunch of rebellious, gang members. These kids pretty much lived on the streets and were in and out of jail. Ms. Gruwell was their savior; she bought them each a journal. Every each student wrote something. Eventually Ms. G put together their through by teaching them things they were interested in. This journal is entries of each person's life situation. Some of them were abused, harassed, imprisoned, shot, or just poor. These kids were fighting over gang territory and sadly some of them were killed. I loved this journal because it made me realize that so many kids go through a lot of bad luck in life. I can't relate to any of their stories. It was emotional at times and it made me cry. I recommend this story to anyone who likes true story books.
-Reviewed by M.P., grade 9.